We begin this Exposé with my call to action, Ethical Jewelry Manifesto. This is followed by An Ethical Jewelry Parable: The Pure Water People, which includes a brief introduction to small- and large-scale mining issues. The focal points of the Exposé are gold and diamonds. Then, core arguments structured around a central metaphor: babble in a Russian nesting doll. As the dolls open up, we follow a kind of descent toward the center.
Sections are interlinked. Though each section stands alone, and there are some instances where I’ve chosen to repeat content for that reason, the arguments do build upon each other to create a foundation and coherence.
Additionally, there are two supplementary writings. Human Rights Watch's "Behind the Bling": A Strategic Analysis dives into the NGO watchdogs’ strategy, using a recent Human Rights Watch campaign as a case study. The other article, Fairtrade/Fairmined in the US/UK, provides a ten-year retrospective backstory of the ethical gold movement, exploring the divergence of UK and US ethical jewelry movement. The other article,
Foreword: Birth of the Ethical Jewelry Movement
The Ethical Jewelry Manifesto
The Pure Water People Parable
First Russian Doll: Manufacturing Consent
Second Russian Doll: The Responsible Jewellery Council
Third Russian Doll: "A Trade Association"
Fourth Russian Doll: The Responsible Jewellery Council Chain of Custody Scheme
Fifth Russian Doll: Death of the Fair Trade Diamond
Sixth Russian Doll: Kimberley Process' Damn Lies
Seventh Russian Doll: Lies, Damn Lies, and Conflict Free Diamonds
Eighth Russian Doll: Brilliant Earth’s Long, Tall Tale
The Center: Jewelry, Neocolonialism, and Strange Fruit
Epilogue: Author's Personal Musings
Supplementary Articles:
Human Rights Watch's "Behind the Bling": A Strategic Analysis
Fairtrade/Fairmined in the US/UK
Continue on to The Pure Water People Parable
Return to the Ethical Jewelry Manifesto
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**All writing and images are open source, under Creative Commons 3.0. Any reproduction of this material must back link to the landing page, here. For high resolution images for publication, contact us at expose(AT)reflectivejewelry.com.**